Lil Miss Fitness Freak

"And though she be but little, she is fierce"


Motivation Comes From Passion

Hey Friends

Guyzzzzz it’s my 200th post! And it’s going to be essentially wordless. How fitting. The chatterbox is silenced, from a words-on-paper…err keyboard… standpoint anyways.

I wanted to thank you for all your comments on my vlog yesterday. It had been a while since I physically chattered at you and I was happy you enjoyed it. With that, I have a follow up lil vloggy for ya. Click on the picture to take you to my video.

Photo on 2015-02-03 at 13.33 #4So I’m breaking the 200s with some motivation.




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Friday Fav-Finds Numero UNO

Hey Friends!

I didn’t have time to join the WIAW partay this week but it’s prolly for the best as I didn’t really have anything too exciting to share. Thanks digestive problems for still keeping me stuck to my safe foods. ANNNNYYWHOOO, I have seen a couple other bloggers do these types of posts (Friday Faves a la Sweat The Sweet Life with Lauren, Friday Finds with Crystal over at Spoonful Of Fit) and I thought that since I missed out on one foodie share, I will just fill that void in your lives with another one 😀 You missed me right?

So, I’m going to be super cool and combine the two post ideas, starting with

My top fav food of this week was this..

MaraNatha roasted almond butter. Now I know that this may be nothing new or exciting for anyone else but I’m a lil behind on the almond butta train ookkkaay. I didn’t even think I really liked almond butter. I mean my peanut butter is amazeballz and the new cashew butter that has infiltrated my heart is liquid gold. What’s special about almonds? Well, apparently my body suffered a small loss when my eyes were forced to watch my boyfriend polish off that rather large jar of my homemade Nuttzo as I started to randomly crave almond butter. Weird? For me, yes. Anyways, wouldn’t you know that during this rando craving state, it was almond butta that was the ‘to be put on sale’ winner at Fortinos this week. So I took that as my sign and snatched one up. I must say, it tasted preeeety tasty in my banana-berry-tastic zoats!

Favourite Meal of this week…


A beast of a salad at the best salad place I have been to yet, Fast and Fresh. It is located in the Urban Eatery at the Eaton Centre and is always my treat when I go downtown. Salad base of kale (yes kale, cool they offer this now eh?) and mixed greens, which I told them to take it easy on as this girl is alllll about her toppings! Who’s with me on that one? Roasted turkey breast chunks, celery, cuc, broccoli florets, carrot shreds and the best toppings….sundried tomatoes and sauteed portabello mushrooms. YUMMO. Lightly dressed in their house made balsamic regretting. Don’t be fooled by this picture, this salad is about the size of my head and I can never finish the whole bowl but I definitely don’t leave any gourmet toppings that’s for sure!

Favourite Pin

Ice Cream for Andre-> Healthy Bananas Foster Caramel Ice Cream

ICE CREAM!! Healthy, dairy free, gluten-free ice-cream to be exact. That makes for a very happy girl!. 😀 <- yup, just like that

This is a delicious and more nutritious version of Bananas Foster Caramel ice cream a la Desserts With Benefits. Jessica is a genius when it comes to making some of the greatest sweets healthy and guilt free. She has sooo many more ice-cream varieities on her blog along with other cakes, cookies, sweets and much more. Check her out here.

Four O’Clock Teas. I got a sample of the Truffle Mint flavour from work and WOW this tea is tasty!  I really liked that it was an herbal tea because of the natural medicinal properties of herbal blends in addition to the fact that as I tend to drink my teas at night and prefer ones with less or no caffeine. All of their their amazing flavours are organic and comprised of wholesome and natural spices, herbs, roots, extracts, pure cacao and much more so you can feel good about sippin them all up. Aside from the herbal varieties, they also carry loose leaf teas, rooibos tea (If you haven’t heard of the amazing benefits of this tea, go here), green, black and white teas, energy teas and assorted boxes that allow you to sample a variety. Definitely a brand to check out if you are tea lover. Here’s looking at you Miss Molly! Top 5 flavours I want to try now that I have found this tea….

1. Banana Cinnamon Spice (black tea)

2. Gingerbread (herbal)

3. Chocolate Spice (herbal)

4. Apple Caramel Spice Black Tea

5. Almond Biscotti (white Tea)

If you want to see more check them out here!

Got Camel? Okay that was cruel, I don’t like to think about where my meats come from but I got super excited to go to the St. Lawrence Market in Toronto this week to pick up a new variety of exotic meat. This time it was ground camel AND ground venison

So if you have any cool recipes to share or ideas on how to use these guys, let me know. I feel like venison will be easier to find something (other than burgers) to base a recipe off of but camel…hmmm I will have to think on that one!

Well that’s it for me today. Time for snackie and Entourage with Andre 😀 ❤

Any Friday Faves?

Did you find anything cool this week?

TGIF, Happy Friday evening all
