Lil Miss Fitness Freak

"And though she be but little, she is fierce"

You’re Doing It Wrong…Thinking Out Loud


My Friends!

How has your week been?


When you’re housemate needs new sunglasses, if gives you an excuse to try on ALL THE GLASSES. I ❤ sunnies.

I went home randomly on Sunday night up until last night (Wednesday) as my Mom was forced to go on yet another business trip to Houston. This is her second trip this month which is very strange for the person who hasn’t gone away in years. Hopefully that doesn’t continue…

So yeah, I headed home to be the “Mom” of the house and take care of my Dad (he gets very sad when she leaves…#RelationshipGoals) and my Maggie PLUS our new member…EllieEllie

So unfortunately, my Mom’s lil Gabby (parrotlet) passed away about 2 weeks ago and although I thought we were not getting any more birds (I’m not meaning to sound mean here, I’m not the biggest bird fan (as a pet) and neither is my Dad), Ellie has now arrived and my Mom is quite enjoying the more interactive nature of this one (Gabby didn’t let you touch her).

So when she was called to Houston she was very concerned about leaving her during the early bonding period, but I think she was okay.

So yeah, anyways, my Mom gets back tomorrow night, so hopefully my Dad will be okay for one more day alone (sad face) as I have a weekly meeting with my supervisor on Thursdays so I couldn’t stay. I did prep everything for him (breakfast and lunch), as I usually do to take the stress off plus I left him a lil something small and sweet last night (mini cheesecake) to remind him that someone else lil and cute (aka moi ;-)) was thinking about him. Maggie is heading over to play with her doggy friend, Piper, for the day as she cannot be alone for a long period of time.

Okay anyways, onto today’s post.

Lets do some Outloud Thinkin’ 😀

Thanks Amanda for the chatter space.

I know you hate this topic but…

OMG OMG OMG 20’s and full sun over here is coming. Next Tuesday is supposed to be 26.


Rita and I are officially going shopping on Saturday because 1. I now have some money (hello job-gainz) and 2. Need something girly, summery and just because warmth makes me excited to buy new cute clothes.

Plus I need some new sandals/flats because skirts and dresses don’t really mesh well with Nikes…

Speaking of further exposing myself…

With my first paycheque came an order from Lulu. #SorryImNotSorry


I lerrrrrve open backs ya’ll.

You make me feel like a bad Mama…

So I mentioned that I went home to watch Maggie. There are a few reasons for this.

~She still has to be taken out every few hours to go to the bathroom despite almost being 2. My parents are coddling her a bit more then then did with Lacey…

~She has major separation anxiety. One MAJOR drawback of the aforementioned coddling is that now whenever my parents leave the house, she screams like she’s being murdered and ends up leaving some kind of present in the house sometimes. I know that she is like their baby and having her come with them where ever dogs are allowed is perfectly fine, but its at a point where they hesitate to go out for the day because they are concerned about her in the house for too long.

I felt horrible yesterday morning as her wailing crying (from her pen in my parents room) was so loud at 4:30 am when my Dad left for work that it woke me up and kept me up (because how can you sleep when someone’s crying?!) for a good half an hour until she settled back to sleep.

Now you may be thinking, why didn’t you bring her into your bed you mean mean person! As much as I hate to let her cry, she would simply pace around my bed searching for my Dad anyways. She didn’t do that the first two days to my knowledge so I don’t know why yesterday was so hard for her. 

She was however calm enough to take a nap with me later that morning (pre-lift for me).


You may be high maintenance for a 2 year old, but you’re definitely a cutie-pie.


I’m obsessed with …

This song.

 and also…


This post:


Due to my more recent confidence increase (I wrote a post about it), this post speaks to me. Many people try to make people feel bad about being confident, when really, I believe they are just jealous that they are not feeling the same way about themselves.

It’s very true that confidence is often built from struggles. Why? Because breaking free of those demons, you are showing yourself your own strength and, damn, that is a powerful thing.

I have gone through some crap in my life. I have faced and currently face hurdles that I can never stop fighting, but the strength I see in myself now is what fuels a form of self love that I have never experienced ever before and you best be sure that I’m not afraid to show it.

So, with that being said, I will be very blunt when I say that anyone who tries to bring another person down for embracing who they are and loving themselves (which then shows as confidence) should take a hard look in the mirror because that is what is often lacking for them.

Are you a pre- or post- brusher?


Well if we’re being open and honest…

The title of this post comes from this recent phenomenon I have noticed.

I have heard from 3 people in the past week that they brush their teeth straight after waking before eating…

I asked my housemate why she does that and she said it’s to get rid of the mung or dry mouth in the morning.

The thing is, my friends, is that’s not the purpose of brushing your teeth.

You see, brushing your teeth is supposed to get rid of food particles so they don’t stay and rot in between your teeth (hello stank breath). So if you brush before you eat, you’re then leaving those food particles ALL DAY.

So really, you are effectively…


Mung will not kill you. Swish your mouth out with some water if it bugs you that much and move on. Plus who wants toothpaste mixed with their food?

Not me. 

I will go to bed sad tonight…

Because tonight Grey’s Anatomy is leaving us.


Is the marriage on?

Does April’s baby survive?

I have to wait until tomorrow morning when the video is uploaded online to see! Ahhh.

But I can be happy that Mistresses will be returning in the next two weeks. Seriously that show is way to good to go on as many hiatuses as it does.


I never remember what happened in the previous season because it leaves for so long. Ugh #FirstWorldProblems for real.

Another amazing show that never shows back up –> Stalker. Anyone else see that one?

Well I think that is all the randomness I will bring you tonight. Happy Friday-Eve Friends!

Grey’s fan?

Do you “do it right?” 


4 thoughts on “You’re Doing It Wrong…Thinking Out Loud

  1. I never understood why my dad brushes his teeth before breakfast! I hate it when I accidentally eat something minty before dinner. I definitely have to chug water to get the taste out.
    I watched the first 6 seasons of Greys, then work picked up and I forgot I was watching it. #BadTVWatcher

  2. Chelsea, hope you are doing well!! And ahhh what a sweet cockatiel (and what a cute name ;D)! I used to have two before we got our first pup. Also have been loving “Don’t Let Me Down” 🙂

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