Lil Miss Fitness Freak

"And though she be but little, she is fierce"

Fitness Friday Numero Deux


fitnessfriday11 Fitness Friday

Hi Friends πŸ˜€

As Lindsay at The Lean Green Bean says, it’s time to get motivated! I hope you liked my workout routines from last week cuuuuz I’m going to give you a fresh list of this workouts that I did this week. πŸ˜‰ Please feel free to give any suggestions for different exercises or to ask about any of the exercises that I have mentioned. I’m all ears πŸ˜€

This week things got a lil bit shifted due to starting my new job…I now officially work at GoodnessMe! Waahhoo!…and the long weekend (don’t gyms know that I want to workout on holidays?!?! :-P). This meant that I had to place three workouts in a row (exhausting much) and today I’m currently on my 2nd day of that string. I was also struggling a lil bit by the end of the week due to ‘lady problems’…My fellow females will understand the this feeling. For the males out there, it’s like a string of ‘off’ days where you’re just plain tired and every weight you pick up feels heavier than normal. It’s so frustrating! #GirlProblems. Anyways, I pushed through them and still managed to pull off nice, sweaty workouts. πŸ˜€

Back and Biceps remained on Sunday as the gym was closed for the holiday Monday (Victoria Day for all my Non-Canadian Friends)

Warmup: 3 sets of weighted oblique situps on decline bench (30lbs) + reverse situps also on decline bench= Superset

IMG_1028My pullups appear to be getting easier, especially those first 6ish so perhaps my weighted pullup training is helping! πŸ˜€

My Monday chest workout was than shifted to Tuesday

Warmup: 3 sets of decline weighted situps (35lbs) +Β  Jackknifes using the exercise ball= Superset

IMG_1027If you have never tried push-ups using the bosu ball, you definitely should! It takes the toughness of this exercise up to a whole other level.

I had to work an early morning shift (8:30am) at my new job so my shoulder and tricep workout was pushed to Thursday

Warmup: 3 sets of weighted oblique situps (30lb) using the decline bench + leg raises and knee ups on the captain chair= Superset

IMG_1030This day I was really feeling the ‘lady problems.” I was exhausted and was struggling to hit my normal rep range for each weight. It was frustrating, but I have to learn to accept the fact that the body doesn’t perform exactly the same day in a day out. These lil challenges are actually a great thing because they allow you to grow and get stronger! This was also my first time trying barbell upright rows and they felt good! Grow lil delts πŸ˜€

Today (Friday) was leg day and, again, I was uber tired. I even got 8 hours of sleep! Geesh body what do you want from me. Anyways, I powered through it and it was a sweaty one for sure.

Warmup: 3 sets of weighted situps (40lbs) on decline bench + cable crunches using the rope attachment (47.5)= Superset

IMG_1029If you want a great sweat, try supersetting barbell squats with another dynamic movement. I did weighted step-ups today.

I have a wedding tomorrow afternoon and work on Sunday, so I’m off to the gym first thing tomorrow morning to complete my 3-day workout string. Phew, Sunday will be nice as my body will finally get to rest from the weightroom.

How do you push through your ‘off’ days?

That’s all friends. We will chat workouts again next friday πŸ˜€


It’s a lifestyle – train like there’s no finish line.

7 thoughts on “Fitness Friday Numero Deux

  1. Hey! You had me at lean green bean lol. Work outs look great. I tend to change mine up every week. I just may give this a try! Great post!

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