Lil Miss Fitness Freak

"And though she be but little, she is fierce"

Gratitude Makes For Happier People


I’m done exams and off now for 3 whole weeks! Weeeooo

Now that’s something to be grateful for! 😀

So I learned in one of my classes that thinking about the things are are grateful for is one of the major contributing factors to a persons happiness. I suppose I can see why…

  • Thinking about what you are grateful for shows you the good things you have in your life
  • How those things affect you in a positive way or benefit your life
  • Allows you to see what’s important in your life vs. what things should not take up so much head space
  • Could possibly allow for a more rational assessment of negative situations. For example, me going through my exams and getting all stressed and anxious

So with that being said, and, in addition to the fact that I missed making my top 20 list of things I’m grateful for the previous Sunday for the Elf4Health Challenge with The Lean Green Bean, I decided to share them with you all.

1. My family and Friends

I’m thankful for the support I have in my life. Those people who bring me happiness. Those people who build me up and provide me with strength when I’m doubting myself. They give me love and will do anything for me, as I would do right back for them. I don’t have a massive circle of close friends, but I cherish the true strong bonds that I have formed and will carry those forever.

IMG_6714As for my parents, I’m always thankful for the relationship I have with them. It makes me sad to hear people talk negatively about going home or their family environment because without them, I would be lost. They are two of my best friends and I adore them more than anything in this world.

2. You guys of course!

You guys have stuck by me even when times got busy and I was a lil bit more neglectful than I should/wanted to be. You comments, feedback and positivity make me excited to write and vlog to continue to share my thoughts with you all. You are a great support system for me even if you don’t know it.

3. My health

It has gone through it’s ups and downs and I’m still trying to sort some things out, but I have been given a life to live, legs to stand on and walk with and the ability to reach for my dreams. How could I complain about that?

4. My education

I have been given the ability to work towards my dream job! I cannot wait to continue to learn more about nutrition and then start helping others!

5. My baby

Obviously! I don’t think words are needed. She’s my fur bundle of love and where ever she is, there is a smile and a laugh.


6. My traditions

I love family time and some of the best times are those traditions that make the holidays what they are. For example, today my Mom and I did the Xmas tree together! This is just one of the things that has to happen for me or it doesn’t feel like Christmas

Naked tree...

Naked tree…

All done!

All done!

Just so you know, this is only the main tree…we have about 5-6 trees total in our house. #ChristmasHarderThanUs

7. I don’t have to live in a world of fear

There are always going to be bad things that can happen, but I can always say that I’m happy to not be stuck in a world of war where hearing bombs, guns and screaming is just a typical day. That should never be normal. War should just never happen IMO

I can go on a rant about how childish and useless I think war is, but I won’t start that fire here.

8. My body

My temple. It houses my soul and despite being a lil battered in its young life, still lets me live my life. It not only allows for me to do my daily tasks, but it allows for me to do what I love, which is lifting. It never ceases to amazing me how strong it is.

IMG_6523Yeah I went there with the bathroom selfies. Pictures show progress mmmkay?

IMG_6532I may still be scrawny, but I’m growing. Slowly but surely. Can my booty grow faster pleeeze? #NeedMoeFood.

9. Good food

Who wouldn’t be thankful for good food.

10. Living somewhere where I can have anything I want…to an extent.

I didn’t know how to put this in a different way. What I mean is that I have access to really everything I could ever need, want and much more. The only thing that caps that ability is money. I’m fortunate enough to live somewhere where food, water and resources in general are in abundance. I’m also lucky enough that I can utilize them rather than just be surrounded by them but cannot afford to have them. Yes, there are obviously tons of things I can’t afford to have…

Maggie will always be my baby despite not living with me, but when I can afford one of my own, I will have my own fur baby to have 24/7.

But I am privileged to be able to afford school, food, shelter and all the things to keep me content and healthy. Unfortunately, there are many people who live here that are surrounded by abundance but cannot reach it. That makes me sad.

11. My struggles

Never regret the times in your life where you have struggled. You are better because of them. There has been a post I have been wanting to make for a while, but it will also take a lot of strength to make public. It may not come as a surprise to you, but perhaps I can work up the courage over this break.

12. Sunshine

Automatic boost in energy and always puts a smile on my face.

13. Having so many opportunities to explore passions

There are so many things we can do to find what we truly love and not everyone has that ability. I have taught a cooking class with friends, teaching eager to learn members of our community. I have had the ability to share my thoughts with you because of this blogging platform. I was able to see that being a vet was not a career for me because I had the opportunity to volunteer in a clinic.

Take opportunities as they come and embrace what they can add to your life.

14. Good people.

It may sound weird to say, but it can sometimes be hard to find true kindness and altruism these days. I’m not saying you have to give up your life to be considered a good person, but holding the door open for someone, paying it forward once and a while or just saying thank you can really make for a positive environment.

15. Entertainment.

Whether that’s music, movies, or reality TV, it’s always there when you need to unwind.

16. Laughter

Another form of universal medicine. Need a boost? Let out a lil giggle and see how far that takes you.

17. Ability to explore exotic places

I haven’t done as much traveling as I would like, but I will always appreciate the ability to be able to go explore places and cultures different from my own.

18. Spices

Is that weird to say? I guess I’m just going back to “I love food.” They make things interesting.

19. Love.

One of the most basic human emotions. We need it to live. Make sure you always show your loved ones how much you care and never take relationships for granted.

20. My confidence.

You have to understand that I was the most UNconfident person all throughout my life and through my struggle late in high school and some events in university, I have found myself and have really come to love the confidence that has blossomed inside me. As an example, I would have never left the house before without some form of make up on my face, but now I can publicize my naked face to the world (ie you guys) and be okay with that.

IMG_6578That is not to say that it’s all about external things, but that was a huge step for me because, like many, my appearance really affected the way I felt about myself. Looking more within, this confidence has also come the ability to speak for what I want and what I believe in. To walk into a room full of people and just start talking to a random person. To being able to share my ideas and opinions with you guys. I have come a far way and I’m proud of myself for it so it’s most definitely something I’m grateful for because a lack of confidence leaves you spinning your wheels and going now where. #LoveYourself

What are you grateful/thankful for?


34 thoughts on “Gratitude Makes For Happier People

  1. Thank you so much for this Chelsea. With everything bad happening in the world as of late, it is so refreshing to see someone as beautiful and as successful as you giving thanks. I, am extremely thankful for you and your blog- where I can come and ask questions to better all aspects of my life (even outside of health & fitness) and read wonderful comments and posts. You’ve created a lil family here

  2. We are also extremely thankful for you Chelsea!

  3. Thank you, thank you, thank you Chelsea! For always being there supporting us all, answering questions, sharing information, making us laugh etc. PS: that many trees! #noonegoesharderatthegymoratchristmas

  4. With the recent events in Sydney, I will admit to being very fearful. Reading number 7 on your list really brought tears to my eyes (not the first since reading your blog). You’re amazing and I can honestly say, you will move mountains with the work you do (and will continue to do). Happy Holidays!

  5. Your muscle definition in your pictures, is something I never get sick of. Especially, because through this blog I’ve seen what a strong person you are inside and out. Happy Holidays!

  6. Out of absolutely everything you’ve written about on this blog from sexy men to period cravings to general health information, this is the one thing I’ve had to comment on-“There has been a post I have been wanting to make for a while, but it will also take a lot of strength to make public. It may not come as a surprise to you, but perhaps I can work up the courage over this break. Surprisingly, I cannot even phantom what this may be, but I wanted to just share that you do not have to post anything to attract readers or what not. You’re already so amazing to us.

    • Aww thank you. I really believe in honesty and being open with all of you guys and to be honest I should be afraid but hopefully I can work up the courage as it’s not to attract viewers it’s more to open up communication with others who may be in a similar situation. Thank you for your support tho! ❤️

  7. Thankful for you Chelsea!

  8. Congratulations on finishing exams, missy! Enjoy your time off!

  9. When I moved away to school, and was terrified you provided some helpful tips which I used. However, when I was lonely and still had no new friends, your blog was the one thing that was familiar. I am grateful for that.

  10. We are so thankful for you too! Like what other kind person, would come here and give us sound health adice, answering personal questions etc. One day you’ll be able to charge tons of money like Bob Harper 😉

  11. Such a great list! Thankful for you and this lilttle blog!

  12. Reading that you were unconfident broke my heart…but more so, it surprised me. I mean, what female walks into the gym and owns it. Seeing you in the past at the Pulse (sorry if I sound like a stalker), I NEVER would have guessed you weren’t confident. EVER

    • Hahaha no you don’t sound like a stalker 😊 the gym was one place that really began my confidence. It was the place where I felt strong and felt like I kinda knew what I was doing. Hitting new goals and surpassing my own ideas of how strong I was certainly does a number on your confidence for sure!

  13. Love this post. I am thankful for this bloG!

  14. Thanks for this 🙂 It really made me smile. I am thankful for a lot of the same things you are.

  15. Ohhhhh Chelsea, where could I even begin. I actually searched the whole blog for your personal email, because I didn’t want to just comment here. Chelsea, over the past while you completely CHNAGED my life. Just from this blog. As a long time reader from the early days (and back when I was one of the few commenting), you answered all my questions. I’m not sure if you remember, but you did a ‘where to start’ post for me….. well even with struggles, I followed all your tips. For the first time in YEARS, I finally broke free of the ‘overweight’ BMI class (that was my goal) and while I’m at the tip and still have lots of work to do, it’s because of you. Because of you, I gained confidence to go out and order healthy food and not be shy. I gained confidence to wear shorts to the gym, despite not being skinny and full of cellulite. While I still haven’t braved down to the weight lifting areas, you’ve got the gym to be part of my life. In fact, even though I slipped this summer, from September there hasn’t been more than 3 days I’ve gone without working out! I feel amazing. My skin is clear. I’m happier. My pants are loser !!!!!! So to say I am thankful for you, is an understatement. There are no words.

    • Omg that just put the biggest smile on my face. I’m always so happy to hear everyone’s stories and how they have overcome any challenge! I’m so happy I could help you even just a bit to get you going on your journey and of course I remember you! You have been a loyal follower since I started so I don’t forget where “I came from” and who supported me all the way through 😊 I thought I posted it somewhere but if you ever want to shoot me an email it’s thanks so much for an amazing comment and I’m proud of you and happy for your success!

  16. Thankful for you and this blog too !

  17. Thank you Chelsea. I needed this today.

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