Lil Miss Fitness Freak

"And though she be but little, she is fierce"


Quick Update Part Deux…Vlog Style

…In zee dark

Sorry about that. As I said, I really want to do more vlogging and add to my channel but with that said, I do not own any fancy equipment so please bear with my poor iMovie camera. It does it’s bestest in the dark and I have to love it for giving at least trying. I will test out my iphone camera and also try not to vlog so much at night to see if that helps with zee quality.

Link up to my channel if you want to catch a still slightly ghostly and tired Lil Miss Fitness Freak for a few rambles.

Clicky on zee picture

IMG_6822So as I said, hit me up with some fun recipes to tweak and test out on my parents and if they turn out well, I will post them up for ya!

Much love and thanks always for all your support!
